Blessed | Oahu Maternity Photographer

What a blessing this year has been.  I’ve had the opportunity to meet, know and capture the love of families from Hawaii and around the world.  Sadly, I haven’t had a chance to blog any of these amazing sessions yet.  The tide has finally turned.  I can’t think of a better way to kick start the sharing than with this beautiful family here.  They mean the world to me – introducing my sister, brother-in-law, Happy and “Sprout”!  Yeah, I think they are a pretty darn special bunch, but I will let the pictures do the talking; I could gush about them for days.  Can’t wait to meet you Baby Boy! And I can’t wait to FINALLY be an aunty!!! xxw-blog (17 of 52)w-blog (4 of 52)w-blog (6 of 52)pinkw-blog (16 of 52)w-blog (8 of 52)bluew-blog (21 of 52)w-blog (20 of 52)w-blog (26 of 52)w-blog (23 of 52)Untitled-2w-blog (27 of 52)Untitled-1w-blog (48 of 52)w-blog (51 of 52)

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INSTAGRAM @ kim.ebert

Kim Ebert is an Oahu family photographer specializing in captivating Hawaii family photography.

Kim Ebert is an Oahu family photographer specializing in captivating Hawaii family photography.


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